Oh wow, is this a dream? Are we in another dimension? Did Zefram Cochrane invent Warp Drive 39 Years early to let us travel the galaxy and discover a website that’s this level of “out of this world”???

Nope, I just updated the appearance of my website. And wow does it look WAY better!! Let’s look at the two side by side:

Out with the old...

In with the new!!!

Now you may be wondering what all has changed. Rest assured, I have compiled a list of as many changes as I bothered to keep track of throughout the development of this site update. Let’s start with…

The iframe Container

The biggest change I’ve made to the site is the iframe container. Everything has been overhauled on this, from the background to the contents of the primary container itself.

Let’s start with the banner. The site page links on the banner are now contained in boxes, and they now light up and make noise whenever you hover over or click them!! The ConnorTheVGFan78 logo has received a color swap, and right beside it is the brand new Random Banner Image (more on that later).

The footer has been cleaned up a bit. All of the buttons that are already on the landing page have been removed from the footer (kinda redundant having them in both places).

Random Banner Images

Every time the iframe container is loaded, a Random Banner Image will be selected and displayed. These images are random screenshots that I have taken within various games that I’ve played.

If you click on the Banner Image, you will be taken to a master list of Random Banner Images. I plan on implementing individual pages for each image in the future, but since there’s only three of them at the moment, it doesn’t hurt to just show all of them at the same time.

The Home Page

Let’s be honest, the Home Page prior to this update was a disorganized mess. This update has changed that. Every square pixel is now being used to its full potential.

The disclaimers that are now covered in the landing page have been removed from the home page. I found that it’s awfully redundant to have the same warnings told to you twice.

The welcome message is now front and center instead of being off to the side.

The current status section has received a few minor changes, but the main change I would like to point out is the new .beat time clock. You can learn how .beat time works on this page at the MelonLand Wiki.

The changelog has moved to the bottom of the page, with some minor cosmetic changes. And speaking of cosmetic changes…

Sitewide Appearance

As you may have noticed, every single page on the site has received a cosmetic update. A few major changes were made to the site’s master style sheet. I won’t go into too much detail, so here’s a few highlights:

And thus concludes this long list of changes to the site. I worked very hard on these changes and I hope you all enjoy them. If you have any comments or concerns, feel free to use the Chatbox on the Home Page, DM me on Discord (connorthevgfan78), or e-mail me (connor[at-symbol]

Post made: August 21, 2024 at 9:30 PM EDT

(August 22, 2024, @104 .beat Time)