The questions on this page are ones I get asked a lot, whether it be from people IRL or people I meet online.

What is your name’s meaning?

Connor – My Name


VG – Video Game

Fan - I enjoy video games

78 – Random number I came up with when signing up for my Roblox Account; somehow has stuck with me ever since.

Why are you here (on Neocities)?

I've heard the name "Neocities" on and off for quite some time while on the Internet. It wasn't until I saw a video by Shadok on my YouTube recommendations page and reading about the Web Revival on MelonKing's website when I decided to finally check it out and create my own site. Of course, creating my own website on here means having to learn HTML and how to code stuff. Learning HTML has been a hard, but rewarding experience and I'm happy to be here typing this sentence in and sending it out to be viewed by the greater Internet.

Where/What is the Keystone State?

The Keystone State is the nickname of Pennsylvania, the US state I live in. I prefer using it instead of “Pennsylvania” or the common abbreviation (PA) that most others use, because saying “The Keystone State” sounds cooler in my opinion.

Which platforms do you have a social media presence on?

Please check out the About page for a full listing of links to my various social media pages.