Nintendo DSi

and the DS Lite Graveyard

The Nintendo DS was the portable game console that I spent the most time playing and the one that I have the most memories playing with. My first few DS consoles were DS Lites, and my final one was a blue DSi. Notice how I used plural terms to describe the DS Lites.

The DS Lite, at least the ones I owned, were very fragile. Part of them breaking was my fault, I used to store them loosely in my backback either when taking them to school or when traveling. This storage method somehow caused the hinge on the DS Lite to completely fall apart, and the next thing you know, my DS Lite is split in half and I'm asking my Mom to get me a new one.

After 2 or 3 broken DS Lites, my Mom got me a brand new DSi (and a carrying case so it doesn't fall apart). The DSi was different from the DS Lites. It had the camera, Wi-Fi capabilities (which I couldn't use a whole lot since my family exclusively used Dial-Up until 2012), and the ability to record and playback audio. Overall, it was a pretty solid console and I enjoyed playing on it.

But the DSi wasn't just a console you could play games on. I enjoyed messing around on DSi apps (or if you want to be proper, DSIWare) like Pictochat, Flipnote, DSi Camera, and DSi Sound. Pictochat was something I would look forward to messing around on with friends or family members. Flipnote is something I wasn't really good at using, but I still had fun using it (and I also enjoyed watching stuff on Flipnote Hatena when I had access to Wi-Fi). DSi Camera and DSi Sound were solid apps that I had a ton of fun using and messing around with all the crazy audio and photo effects.

Overall, the DSi and DS Lite were solid portable consoles that I enjoyed playing games on and interacting with. Although the DS Lites I had fell apart frequently and I no longer have any of them, the DSi is a console I still have and still like revisiting from time to time.